The Young Socialists was established this year by the young members of Militant Left, in the hopes of reaching like minded young workers and students. We want to discuss and build among young people, to fight on the day to day issues that face us and to fight for a socialist society alongside these campaigns.
What we stand for:
- An end to the exploitation and suffering caused by the drive for profit which is at the heart of capitalism. We stand for a democratic socialist society on a global scale.
- An end to all forms of oppression, institutional and otherwise; we support all movements against oppression.
- A planned, socialist economy to avert environmental catastrophe caused by capitalism: climate change, habitat destruction and the exploitation of animals and nature.
- A real future for young people: an end to austerity cuts, instead we demand affordable housing, free education, safe living conditions and the expectation of a decent job.
- Fighting alongside and within trade unions against low pay, precarious working conditions and youth unemployment.
- Empowering young workers and students to become involved in the international struggle for socialism lead by the working-class – the only class with the power to bring about the fundamental transformation we seek.
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